
Hello and Welcolme!

This is FutureMrsRPattz and I want to welcome you to my all new website.

This is where I will post pictures, descriptions, and links, etc. about my work.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chapter Four Teaser II

I'm half way done with chapter four, like I said before, bear with me, it will take a while for me to finish it up. But seeing as how nice I am, I'm posting another teaser to hold you guys off. This will be the last teaser for chapter four, so enjoy it

"Answer me!"


"Just wait until I tell your father..."

"He knows." Bella said, cutting her off.

"What do you mean he knows? Who else knows?"

"I had to tell him, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't...and only father Eltizar, dad and you know."
"Why the he'll does father Eltizar know this?!"

"Mom! Who else could I have told without being judged?"